Monday, February 25, 2013

Game Changer

I found out today that there is a Blogger app!!! I always get behind on posting because it's such a pain to transfer my pictures from my phone to my computer. Problem solved! I'm excited to share some of the exciting times we have had in February.

First up.... my baby had her first birthday! It was an absolutely gorgeous day in the upper 60s, so we went to the playground. I will have to show you all how enormous this playground is... and it's right outside our house!

Big girl


Hi daddy!

Next, we had a birthday dinner at Chili's with our friends Jake and Amy. They bought Heidi a new "cell phone" and she loves it! And she loves her "Aunt" Amy and "Uncle" Jake.

With the birthday girl

Chili's gang sang Happy Happy Birthday and brought ice cream!

A little overwhelmed with the singing!

Stop singing and give me my ice cream!

There we are!

Since little H had ice cream on her birthday, we waited until the next day to have cake. But it was still her birthday in the States, so it all works out in the end ;)

Singing Happy Birthday! Don't worry... we blew out the candle for her :)

Trying to shove the ENTIRE cupcake in her mouth! 


Bonus: Licking the icing beaters!

Oh yes!

Cake smash success!

So big!

Time to get clean!

A very happy ending to a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Next up in February was... Valentine's Day! Witten and I went to a mystery dinner theater on base and had a blast! Heidi got lots of kisses and hugs from us... as well as a new toy.

Date night!

Little Valentine!

Loving her new toy

And as always... all about Daddy.

Well, that sums up our first two weeks of February! I will have another post up soon with a few pics of our house as well as some pictures from Witten's 24th birthday. Thanks for reading... I'm confident I will be able to post more often from now on!
